Posted on Wednesday, October 6th, 2010

PNHP Portland – October 2010 Meeting Minutes

Members present: Mike Murphy, Peter Mahr, Steve Weiss, Sam Metz, Jim Scott and Richard Bruno.

I. Updates

1. State of Oregon Single Payer Bill: The subcommittee of the Jobs with Justice Health care Committee has been working hard on finishing up the final draft of a single payer bill for the state that will be introduced by Rep. Michael Dembrow.  Kris Alman, who has been the main PNHP Portland representative to the sub committee was not present and has announced that she will need to take a break from working on the Oregon single payer bill for now.  We decided that since the writing of the bill is almost finished PNHP Portland will await the final draft and help strategize with Peter Shapiro from Jobs with Justice on how best to roll out the bill and position it for passage.

Action: prior to the next PNHP meeting Sam Metz will talk with Peter Shapiro to begin strategizing on the roll out of the Oregon Single Payer bill.

2. Single Payer Forum: Sam Metz has been attending the planning meetings. The date is set: January 29th, a Saturday from 9-4. It will be held at the Presbyterian Church in NE Portland.  They are focusing on connecting with “sponsoring” individuals and groups who will help support the conference and in return have space at the conference for tabling etc.  The format is not yet determined.  They really need help with this.

Richard Bruno indicated that the OHSU PNHP group can add members to the planning and advertising for the SP forum.

Action: Richard Bruno and Sam Metz will discuss how OHSU PNHP can help plan for this event.

3. Speaking Engagements: Sam Metz and Paul Gorman will address the league of Women Voters annual meeting in December.  Please contact Sam or Paul if you need speakers for other groups or events.

4. OHSU PNHP Chapter: Richard Bruno reported on his summer activities and a recent AMSA conference he attended where he was instrumental in organizing a sub group on Single payer.  Their chapter had their first meeting and they have recruited some new students.  They plan to help testify and advocate for the state of Oregon single payer bill when it is introduced. They can also help organize the Single Payer Conference in January.  3 students from OHSU plan to attend the PNHP national meeting next month.  They are also hoping to do more education on campus in order to connect with dental, nursing and PA schools.

5. Mad as hell Doctors Tour: we have been getting up beat reports from the MAHD’s.  They have been holding many rallies and events across CA.  Please visit their web site to donate.

III. New Items

1. Resolution before City Council in Portland to end corporate personhood. We decided as a group not to endorse the resolution solely because we do not have enough energy and volunteers to address another action item.  We encourage PNHP members to check out the resolution and the sponsoring group called Change Congress.

2. PNHP national Meeting: 3 OHSU students plan to attend and I believe Paul Gorman. More info on the PNHP web site.

3. No Cuts to Social Security and Medicare: Steve Weiss wanted to know if PNHP had joined the “no cuts to SS and Medicare” campaign. Richard Bruno informed us that PNHP national had worked on this campaign this summer.

IV. Next Meeting: